Nutella Chia Seed Pudding

Craving some chocolaty, hazelnut goodness? Well, look no further than Nutella Chia Seed Pudding. This easy recipe will satisfy your sweet tooth AND provide some awesome health benefits. 


Many of you may have probably heard about chia seeds, but are you wondering why they’re one of the latest super foods? Well, these tiny seeds pack a lot of nutrients into a small space. Chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, the same fatty acids found in fish and nuts. Omega-3’s can reduce inflammation and lower your triglyceride levels. The seeds are also loaded with fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol and makes you feel full. In just two tablespoons of seeds (the amount in this recipe), you’ll get one-third of the daily fiber requirement. Finally, antioxidants and minerals are abundant in chia seeds, and are essential for energy metabolism and protecting the body from free radicals and cell damage.

You can find chia seeds at any natural food store, such as Whole Foods. The big bags can often be expensive, so if there’s a self-serve, bulk section similar to the one at Whole Foods, you can buy as little or as much as you need! Also, feel free to alter the recipe how you want it. You can substitute the almond milk for coconut, rice, soy, or regular dairy milk. I also add slightly less Nutella than the recipe calls for because I don’t like it too sweet, so adjust according to your liking.


Nutella Chia Seed Pudding


  • 1 Tbs of Nutella
  • 2 Tbs of Chia Seeds
  • 2/3 cup of Almond milk (or other milk, as mentioned above)
  • Airtight container (a mason jar or Tupperware with a lid are great options)
  1. Heat the Nutella in the microwave for a couple of seconds, until soft
  2. Mix together the Nutella, milk, and chia seeds in the airtight container
  3. Cover container and shake the mixture in order to distribute Nutella throughout
  4. Let the airtight container sit in the fridge overnight or for 4-6 hours. During this time, the chia seeds will create a pudding-like gel.
  5. Top pudding with fruit, coconut, chocolate shavings, or whatever you’d like and enjoy!

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